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Neighborhood Calendar September 12th Edition
Council on Aging/Neal Senior Center
        “Bingo” - At Council on Aging/Senior Center, 100 T.R. Harris Drive, Shelby, NC. Each Monday Night (except holidays). Doors open at 5:30 (no admittance after 7:00pm). Jackpot up to $500.00 – Public invited 12 years old and up.
        Daily Activities: Inside and outside walking trail; cards and billiards; computer lab; exercise; Dining Room Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 11:30-1:00.
        September 12. Daytime Friends 9-12; Watercolor Painting 9-12; 1st. Thursday Bridge 9:30; Sit For Fitness 10-11; Aerobics - 9-10; Players Bridge 1:00
        September 13. Computer - 8:30-4:00; Fun Bingo 0:30-11:30; Zumba Gold - 11:00-2:00
        September 16. Ceramics 9:00-11:30; Monday Morning Bridge 9:00-12:00; Craft Intake - 9-1; Sit For Fitness - 10-11; Aerobics - 11-12; A.F. TAI CHI - 1-2; Duplicate Bridge – 1:-4:30; Gentle Yoga 2:15-3:30; Mon. Night Bingo - 5:30-9:00; Zumba – 5:30; Woodcraving Class 6-9; Advance Line Dancing -6:45pm-8:45pm
        September 17. Adv. Quilters 9-12; One Stroke - Beg. Class 10-12; Carolina Line Dancers  9:00-10:30; Adv Line Dance - 10:30-11:30; COA Board Mtg. 12:00; Beg. Line Dance 1-2; Basket Weaving 1-2; Beg. Quilters - 1-4; Basket Weaving 1-5
        September 18. Legal Aid - 9-12; Craft Intake 9-1; Wed. Morning Paint Group 9-12; Carolina Singers - 10:00; Zumba Gold 11:00; Knit Pickers -  1-5
        September 19. Blood Sugar Screening and Blood Pressure - 8-10; Daytime Friends 9-12; Watercolor painting 9-12; Aerobics - 9-10; Sit For Fitness 10-11; Players Bridge 1:00
        September 20. Computer - 8:30-4:00; Fun Bingo 10:30-11:30; Zumba Gold - 11:00-12:00
        September 23. Ceramics 9:00-11:30; Mon. Bridge 9:00-12:00; Craft Intake - 9-1; Sit For Fitness - 10-11; Working Artist Guild 12:00-3:45; Aerobics - 11-12; WMU Waco Baptist Church -11:30-1:00; A.F. TAI CHI - 1-2; Duplicate Bridge - 1:-4:30; Gentle Yoga 2:15-3:30; Mon. Night Bingo–5:30-9:00; Zumba - 5:30pm; Woodcraving Class 6-9; Advance Line Dancing - 6:45pm-8:45pm
        September 24. Adv. Quilters 9-12; One Stroke - Beg. Class  10-12; Carolina Line Dancers  9:00-10:30; Arthritis & Mobility 10:00; Adv Line Dance - 10:30-11:30;  Line Dance 1-2; Basket Weaving 1-2; Beg. Quilters - 1-4; Basket Weaving 1-5
        September 25. Legal Aid - 9-12; Craft Intake 9-1; Wed. Morning Paint Group 9-12; Zumba Gold 11:00; Knit Pickers – 1-5
        September 26. Daytime Friends 9-12; Water Color Painting 9-12; Aerobics - 9 -10; Sit For Fitness 10-11AM; Players Bridge 1:00; Dine Around Zaxby’s
        September 27. Computer - 8:30-4:00; Fun Bingo 10:30-11:30; Zumba Gold - 11:00-12:00; Covered Dish 11:30am; Special Guest - The Hinkle Family Gospel Group
        September 30. Ceramics 9:00-11:30; Monday Morning Bridge 9:00-12:00; Craft Intake - 9-1; Sit For Fitness - 10-11; Aerobics - 11-12; A.F. TAI CHI - 1-2; Duplicate Bridge - 1-4:30; Gentle Yoga 2:15-3:30; Mon. Night Bingo - 5:30-9:00; Zumba - 5:30; Beg. Knitting 6:30-8:30; Woodcraving Class 6-9; Advance Line Dancing - 6:45pm-8:45pm
Shelby Police Department
        Shelby Police Department “Citizens Police Academy” Fall 2013 Dates are September 5 - October 24. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about the Police Department and meet their employees. The classes will be held at the following location: Utilities Operations Center, 824 W. Grover Street, NC, 6:00-8:00pm. Applications available at the Shelby Police Department or online at www.cityofshelby.com. Visit facebook: www.facebook.com/shelbypolice. Class Schedule: Sept. 5: Welcome, Department Organization; Sept. 12: COP Unit, Records/Dispatch; Sept. 19: Recruitment, Traffic Division; Sept. 26: Firearms, SRT, Self-Defence; Oct. 3: CID, Crime Scene; Oct. 10: DA’s Office, Narcotics Division; Oct. 17: Canine Unit, Code Enforcement; Oct. 24: CrimeStat, Crimestopers, Graduation.
South Mountains Fire Rescue Annual BBQ & Bluegrass
        South Mountains Fire Rescue, 8849 Gus Peeler Rd., Connelly Springs, NC will be having their Annual BBQ & Bluegrass event will be on Saturday, September 14, starting at 12 o’clock. We will be dishing up some really delicious BBQ. If there are any questions, please call us at 828-437-6498 or 828-438-1670. We’ll look forward to seeing you.
American Red Cross, Shelby
        American Red Cross Bloodmobile for September:
        September 14 - Buffalo Baptist Church, 1410 Buffalo Church Rd., Shelby, 10:00am - 2:00pm.
        September 20 - Patrick Senior Center, 909 East Kings. ST., Kings Mountain, 10:00am - 2:00pm.
        September 22 - Beaver Dam Baptist Church, 123 Beaver Dam Church Rd., Shelby, 11:30am - 3:30pm.
        September 24 - First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, 2:00pm - 6:30pm.
Back to School Fundraiser Pageant, Kings Mtn.
        BreAnn Jenkins, the reigning Little Miss North Carolina United States will be hosting a fundraiser beauty pageant September 14, 2013, in downtown Kings Mountain at the gazebo. This pageant will be opened to girls ages Birth to 21 years. The contestants will be competing in their choice of back to school wear and optional photogenic. No pageant clothes need, just a fun outfit your child would wear to school. This would be great for beginners, no pageant experience necessary. School related crowns, fun prizes and no one leaves empty handed. This pageant is a fundraiser to raise money for school supplies and collect school supplies for children in Cleveland County who may not have the resources to have the items they need to return to school. Please come out and support this worthy cause. For more information or an application, please contact us at Lexidogmom@aol.com or 704-739-3820.
Plant Swap at Earl City Hall
        There will be a Plant Swap - Plant Trade Day at Earl City Hall, 569 Crow Rd., Earl, NC, September 14, 10:00am - 2:00pm. The park is right beside it you can’t miss it. Arrival may begin at 9:30 to begin setting up. There are no restroom facilities at this location, plan accordingly. You will need to bring your own chair as seating is limited. Also if you have a portable table of some kind these will be handy as well. As table and seating space is limited here. There are play areas for children to play also seating around the play area in case you need to bring a spouse, extra chairs would be a good idea. Plus the area is fenced. No dogs are allowed at the park, please do not bring any pets. Please bring ‘Healthy’, well established plants to trade. This is a free plant exchange, no selling! If you would like to ask question or discuss anything you may do it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/465613193514456/ If you would like to contact the host you may do so by emailing her at: aqua_dragonfly@live.com
Benefit for Hospice
        Benefit for Hospice Sponsored by ST12, Saturday, September 14, at Skooterz Saloon, Shelby, NC. 704-482-0302. Live band “Blacktop Burnouts”. Poker Run. All vehicles welcome! 1 hand $15, 2 for $25. Registration: 10:00am. First bike out at 11:00am. Last bike in 4:00pm. Food, 50/50 Raffle, Silent Auction, T-Shirts.
Cleveland County Post-Polio Group
        The Cleveland County Post-Polio Group will hold the September meeting at the Mayflower Restaurant on Monday, September 16, at 6:00 in the evening. The restaurant is located on Hwy. 74 East in Shelby. Leann Long from Hospice will present the program. Pain Management will be her topic. If you are a polio survivior, please plan to attend. Feel free to bring a caregivery with you. If you are not a polio survivor, please pass this message to anyone you know who is a survivor. For more information, call Janet Walker, 704-692-6249.
Rhema Outreach Ministry Community Giveaway
        Rhema Outreach Ministry Community Giveaway will be Tuesday, September 17, 6:00-8:00pm. Located 624 E. Kings Street, Kings Mountain, NC. Items include clothing, Home Decor, houseware, toys, some furniture and food depending upon family size and income.
 Hospice Cleveland County
        Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC, 704-751-3573. Calendar of Events:
        Memory Bear Workshop - Participants will have the opportunity to make a teddybear out of a loved one’s shirt or other article of clothing. Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult. Please RSVP to ext. 166 if you plan to attend. Thursday, September 19, Thursday, October 24, 9:00am - noon or 4:00pm - 7:00pm. Hospice Cleveland County Administration Building
        Hospice Training Class - Hospice training is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about hospice care and the services provided to the community. This 12-hr. course is free and there is no obligation to volunteer.  The classes will be held at Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby. Classes will be:  September 23, 24, and 26, 9:00am - 1:00pm or 5:00pm - 9:00pm. For more information please call Krista Haynes, Patient/Family Volunteer Coordinator at 704-487-0800 ext. 111.
Community Family Fun Day, Living Light Baptist Church Property, Shelby
        Living Light Baptist Church, will be having “Community Family Fun Day” on their property at 146 Lakeview Drive, Shelby, NC, September 21, 11:00am - 4:00pm. Event day: BBQ plates and sandwiches for sale, free bottled water, homemade crafts for sale, free face painting, free games for kids, teens and adults, live music all day (gospel, bluegrass, etc.). Everyone invited. The Ladies Missionary Fellowship is sponsoring this event to raise funds to pour a concrete floor in their picnic shelter. Boston Butts, $35 (includes slaw and sauce), place orders in advance! Pickup between 8:00-11:00am. To place orders or for more information please call church office, 704-484-3802 (leave message).
Cleveland/Lincoln County Rose Society
        Cleveland/Lincoln County Rose Society will present their 40th Annual Rose Show at the Cleveland Mall in Shelby, September 28. Rose entries are accepted from 7:00 - 10.00am.  Judging will be from 10:30 - 1:00pm.  The show opens to the public 1:00 - 4:00pm.  Flower arrangements will be sold during the show. All show table roses will be sold at 4:00pm. The rose show is our gift to the community and we hope the public will view and enjoy this show.
Somerset Court, Cherryville
        Someset Court, 401 West Academy St., Cherryville, will be having a Fall Festival, Saturday, September 28, 10:00am - 2:00pm. Rain date will be October 5. There will be games, clowns, and face painting. Also sellling hot dogs, chips, drinks, and cookies. Tickets will be sold to raffle off items. All money that is raised will go to benefit our residents and their needs.
The Foothills Marine Corps League
        The Foothills Marine Corps League 1164 in conjunction with Lilly Beans coffee shop in downtown Shelby offer Free Coffee to any Verified Veteran the first Monday of each month from 9:00 - 11:30.   Come and join in the conversation and fellowship!
Singles of Faith
        Christian singles of all ages are invited to attend the monthly Singles of Faith Bible Study, with discussion, at the Ruby Hunt YMCA Library, on Patrick Avenue in Boiling Springs, NC, on the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.. Questions? Call Dianne at 704-692-0413.
Lawndale Historical Society
        Lawndale Museum and Metcalf Station, is open each Sunday, June-October. Museum: Piedmond Drive (behind Bank of The Ozarks); Metcalf Station: 226 S.
Kidz Around, Cleveland County Schools
        The Kidz Around Program is a school-age child care service designed especially to meet the needs of families with children in the Cleveland County Schools. It is a non-profit program and receives no governmental funding. The program is designed to provide supervised care for children in grades K-Intermediate on site or a short bus ride to another site. The Cleveland County School System is committed to providing for the total development of each child and to providing all students with the best possible educational program. After School Care is a recreational program.  Activities include active games, arts and crafts, music, movies, homework time and free time during which children may choose selected activities. Staff: Experienced dedicated staff maintains a safe nurturing environment where children come first.  All staff are CPR and first aid certified. Fees: After School, $35.00 per week: if picked up by 4:30pm. $40.00 per week: if picked up by 6:00pm. $30.00 per week: additional children from the same family if picked up by 4:30pm. $35.00 per week: additional children from the same family if picked up by 6:00pm. Before School: $2.00 per day per child if enrolled in After School Care. $3.00 per day per child if not enrolled in After School Care. There will be a $10 additional charge per child for all-day care. A $30.00 registration fee is required for each child and is Non-Refundable. Teacher workdays: different sites will operate throughout the county from 6:30am to 6:00pm. Kidz Around Cleveland County Schools, 400 West Marion, Shelby, NC 28150. (704) 476-8379.
Parents Without Partners, Shelby
       PWP meets every Monday night at 7:00 pm. at the Shelby Presbyterian Church for educational programs and at other times as scheduled for monthly social activities including: dances, plays, and concerts. The dances are held at the American Legion from 6:30pm - 10:00pm. every 1st & 3rd Thursday night of the month.  For more information, call Connie at 704-487-1268 or Jo Ann at 704-538-9559.  
Singles Dinner Group, Shelby
        Singles 50 and over meet for dinner the first Friday of the month at Golden Coral, Shelby at 6:00 p.m. and the third Thursday at Fishermans Feast at 5:30p.m. We participate in dancing and other monthly activities.  We invite new members to join us. For more info, call 704 406 9166.
Kiwanis Club, Shelby
        Kiwanis Club of Shelby is a group of professionals who are involved in the community and looking to change Cleveland County, one child at a time. This fundraising and project oriented club meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at noon at Deer Brook Restaurant, 201 Deer Brook Drive, Shelby, NC; or the 2nd Thursday evening of every month at 5:30pm at Mi Pueblito Mexican Restaurant, 213 West Warren Street, Shelby, NC. One evening social a month at area restaurants. Membership dues are $30 per quarter plus $60 per quarter if you attend lunch meetings. For more information or to join, please contact: Pam Isaacs, President, 704-751-3573, pam.isaacs@hospicecares.cc
Piecemakers Quilt Guild
        Piecemakers Quilt Guild meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the Lincoln County Senior Center, Lincoln Campus of Gaston College, 511 Aspen Street, Lincolnton, NC, in room 319. We are here to teach and encourage those interested in the art of quilting. Visitors and new members are welcome. We also have a new class that meets on the second Thursday of each month from 10:00am to 3:00pm to provide one to one instruction to beginning quilters. Contact Linda at 704-483-2778 for more information on this class.
Mental Health Association of Cleveland County
        Survivors of Suicide Support Group meets twice a month, with a daytime and evening meeting. The Evening Group meets the 2nd Monday of every month from 6:30pm - 8:00pm at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer (502 W. Sumter Street, Shelby, NC).  The Daytime Group meets the last Tuesday of every month from 11:30am - 1:30pm at the Cleveland Memorial Library (104 Howie Drive, Shelby, NC). Sponsored by the Mental Health Association in Cleveland County, this group provides a safe and confidential place for those who have experienced the unique loss of suicide to find help, healing and hope. Our group is open to those who have lost a family member, friend or co-worker to suicide. This group is not intended for those who have personally survived a suicide attempt.  For details, contact the Mental Health Association at 704-481-8637 or mha@clevelandcountymha.org.
Cleveland County Memorial Library
        The Library Book Club meets the second Thursday of each month from 10:30am - 12:00noon in the Conference Room. The book for September is “The Sense of an Ending” by Julian Barnes.  Everyone is invited.
Solid Rock Community Garden in Lawndale
        If you enjoy gardening and want to help provide nutritious food for our neighbors - please join us at the garden on Monday evenings 6:30pm through the growing season. The garden is located on the grounds of the Upper Cleveland Rescue Squad in Lawndale. For information email solidrockgarden@gmail.com or call 704-473-4722.

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