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Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ Jan. 6th
We’ve often heard that the problem with many of the opportunities we all have is time and money. We are either out of one or the other.
 One of the perks in doing what I do is that I get invited to hunt and fish in several places. Just recently I have been corresponding with a new friend who lives in Minnesota. He guides mainly fishermen in the Boundary Waters Wilderness Area that borders Canada. He has been sharing some recent adventures about eight hour canoe trips and ten pound pike and walleye. And of course, he would have to invite me to come. And of course, you know the problem – time and money. This would be about an eight day trip and even though the fishing would be inexpensive, I would still have to pay for fuel, a couple nights of a hotel stay, license, food, and the unexpected. But what an adventure that would be! And by the way, he also talked about bear, deer, and moose. I have never been to that part of the country but I bet it is beautiful.
 For the past several months I have tried to figure out how I could go chase ducks in Mississippi, deer in Ohio, bear in Maine, and crappie in Alabama. There’s just one big problem with two manifestations, time and money. 
 Even though time and money are legitimate reasons for not going on every adventure, sometimes they become excuses in other areas of our lives. For instance, some of you have been putting off going back to school or changing occupations. Some of you perhaps have held up the money excuse for not quitting work and becoming a stay-at-home mother or father. And again, even though there are always legitimate time and money concerns, the facts are, you can do it. And every year that you wait is another one that you can never get back.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you are too old or too uneducated, or too entrenched in what you are doing, that it is impossible to change. It’s not! There can be only one criterion for doing anything – does God want you to? If He does, every detail is His problem and not yours. You ask, “How do I know if God wants me to?” Well, I’m glad you asked. I would simply remind you of a few things. First, remember that it is God who plants within us those dreams and desires. Secondly, is your desire one that you can’t seem to shake? Thirdly, will the process call for greater trust in God? Fourthly, have you lost peace with your present place in life? And lastly, will God be honored in what you will become?
The answers to these will help you discover God’s perfect plan for your life. And anything that keeps you from doing it will not be a good reason, but only a bad excuse; even if it’s time and money.

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