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Pinto Dinner Fundraiser Held For Brenda Kramer
Brenda Kramer works at Shelby High School cafeteria, is also a bus driver and is a very popular employee of the Cleveland County School system. Currently she is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. To help, her family, friends and co-workers came together and sponsored a Pinto Plate Dinner this past Sunday, September 12, at the Shelby High School Cafeteria. The event’s funds will go to help defray the costs of her medical expenses. Shown here are some of her friends who sold tickets and held a 50/50 drawing during the Kiwanis Pancake Supper. Standing on the left is Jean Martin and seated are Linda Spurling, and Mot Davis with her granddaughter Catherine-Lily. Over a $1000.00 was raised. If you would like to make a contribution you may do so by sending it to: Brenda Kramer, 1723 Kings Road, Shelby, NC 28150. “Thank You” and please keep Brenda in your prayers.

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