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Prime of Life Festival Offers Something For Seniors
 Health, wealth, and family. They’re on everybody’s short list (not necessarily in that order) of life’s top priorities. But with rising inflation and a sputtering economy; health, wealth, and family have become complex issues for today’s seniors and baby boomers. Instead of eagerly anticipating retirement, many feel anxious. Some wonder how they’ll survive the so-called golden years and still have some valuable assets left for their families. Others wonder if they’re doing the right things to stay healthy and enjoy an active lifestyle as they grow older. 

Rodney Greene, President of Time-Out Management made several changes regarding the annual Prime of Life Festival.  This year’s event has been scheduled for Thursday, September 9th.  Greene states, “the move to September should be much cooler for our attendees than those August temperatures.”  

Another change regarding the festival is the location.  The event will be held at the new Carolina Event & Conference Center, Forest City located beside Hospice at 374 Hudlow Rd.  “I feel this new environment will allow us to enhance the event to include indoor & outdoor activities, more exhibit spaces for vendors, and other perks more conducive to our targeted market.  We hosted our women’s show at the venue in March and had great success,” says Greene.

The Prime of Life Festival is designed to help provide resources and information that will foster healthy and productive lifestyles for people 50+ and their families.  This event will focus on products, services, and information for seniors in order to help them prepare for the future. You’ll find an assortment of advisors and health care professionals among the 40-plus exhibitors who cater to baby boomers, seniors, and their families at the festival. The one-on-one interaction at the exhibits allows attendees to ask questions and seek advice for handling some of the most challenging issues for today’s seniors.   Admission is free.

Other festival highlights include health screenings, prize drawings, ice cream social, entertainment, and giveaways.  Rutherford Hospital will be offering glucose screenings, blood pressure checks, and body fat analysis.  Other screenings to be performed by vendors includes:  spinal screenings by Carolina Chiropractic Plus, massages & facials, and bone density.

Prime of Life Festival is the place to be on Thursday, September 9, 2010, at the Carolina Event & Conference Center located on 374 Hudlow Rd, Forest City, from 9:00 a.m. until 12 p.m. 

Time-Out Management is the founding organizer of the Prime of Life Festival. Presenting sponsors include: Rutherford Hospital and Isothermal Planning and Development Commission.  Contributing sponsors:  The Medicine Box of Forest City, Allstate Insurance - Randy McKinney Agency, Carolina Chiropractic Plus, and Rutherford Woman.  Any business interested in exhibiting at the event should contact Time-Out Management at 704.214.9799.

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