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School Board Candidates: Billy Gray

Billy Gray
1. Why are you running for the Board of Education?
My sole purpose for this endeavor is to try to inform our community that what we now call education has no resemblance to what most of us perceive it to be. We are following a curriculum that was designed by Bill Gates and copy written in 2010 by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers.
Evidently our present School Board has great faith in this program. They decided for us, not with us that this country wide program is best for our Cleveland County children. We have a closed school system in Cleveland County. Your opinion and more importantly, our teachers opinion of what is best for our children is in my opinion of no concern to this board.
2. What are the big issues the Board of Education will face in the next few years?
I believe one big issue will be their trying to explain why they did not take any action to fix existing problems and trying to justify the new actions they are taking now. I feel sure gender issues is another area that our board will be told by someone above them (not God) to take care of. Their disdain for citizens and employees concerns can only last for so long. It is very hard for ego driven people to say they were wrong. I am sure their answer will be, we were just doing what we were told to do. Unfortunately this answer will be true. Our schools need to be run, not ruined !
3. What are we doing right in the Cleveland County Schools? What are we doing wrong?
I have heard at town hall meetings and board meetings many praise reports. There are many things I am sure that is done well in our school system. In my opinion it is the core that is rotten.
Our school system has grown into a corporate conglomerate. Corporation schools are not a good thing, in my opinion, for children's minds. Stand up citizens could possible stop some of this, a progressive bunch of past educators on the board will not.

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