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The Inspiring Story Of Austin Jay Robinson

 Chris and Pam Robinson are the parents of two sons, Jordan and Jay, who both love sports, especially baseball and basketball.  One day a nightmare crept into their lives. Their youngest son, Austin Jay Robinson (who is called Jay) developed eye twitching and at the age of nine began to jerk severely from side to side. Concerned, his parents immediately took Jay to his pediatrician. He was then sent to the eye doctor. Examination brought some bad news. Their eleven year old son had a rare brain tumor on the back right side of his head.

    In April, 2003, in the middle of the Little League season, Jay (#2),  was the star pitcher. Jay insisted on playing. A week later, the following Wednesday, he was taken to Charlotte for a 14 hour operation. The waiting room was full of family  and friends all praying! The tumor which had been growing needed to be removed. The operation was very delicate. A post operative MRI proved that the tumor was still there, and they were unable to get it all. Jay was home two days later. He needed to participate in four more games to qualify for the Little League All-Stars. Jay was very weak but determined to play. He did and qualified! Four weeks later, his parents took him to Duke Hospital for another 16 hour operation  to remove more of the tumor. After this event, there was more disheartening news. Chris and Pam were told to “take him home . . . he’ll be dead in six months!” Neither would accept the diagnosis and declared “we don’t believe it!” Jay was now very weak. The only thing he wanted to eat was Fruit Loops, which he ate a lot of! He had to learn to walk again. The tumor was sent to Mayo Clinic to be analyzed. It was astro-sutoma slow growing brain stem tumor.  Unfortunately, tests revealed that it was growing again.

   Then something strange, but very wonderful happened. Jay’s dad, Chris, works for BMW, which publishes a newsletter for company employees. Pam woke up around 2 a.m. in the morning because she could not sleep and started reading the newsletter. It contained a story of a little girl with a brain tumor. The story related how Dr, Weisoff of New York University, one of the best neurosurgeons in the world, had helped the girl. The story inspired Pam, and led them to call Dr. Weisoff to arrange an appointment for Jay. They took him to New York. After the examination, Dr. Weisoff told them not to have any more operations. He said Jay was lucky to have survived the two operations. His recommendation was radiation, hoping to curtail any growth and possibly put the situation in remission. Back home, his parents took him to Charlotte, again and again, for radiation treatments. In all there were 36 trips and 36 treatments!   Jay was exhausted and slept all the way home. To everyone’s amazement he insisted on playing on the basketball team. The love of sports in him displays his determination and strength of purpose. This young man loves sports and has been given the nickname by his friends - “Jaybird”!

     The radiation seems to have worked. This very blessed young man,who was told he would be “dead in 6 months” is now 18 years old! It’s seven years later. He is a graduate of Crest High School with a GPA of 3.3. This fall he will begin college at Lander University in Greenwood, South Carolina.

    I met him at a Kiwanis Meeting and Luncheon at Cleveland Country Club. Club President Jane Ballard and Kiwanis member Jamie Richard awarded Jay with a $1,000 Kiwanis scholarship.

     The young man said  “this experience has made me stronger.” He thanks God and says: “He’s blessed me and kept me here for a reason.”  His dad also speaks and thanks all for the gift. He tells of how his son had to learn to walk again and brags, without question, that “Jay has a great heart!” Jay now sees a future and wants to be a coach!

     This inspiring story is one to share and hopefully motivate others to show the same determination as Jay and his dedicated mom and dad. Healing came through prayer, determination and a big dose of faith . . . yes, it can make things happen! One can easily conclude that this is a story of a miracle!

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