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9/11 Patriot Day ceremony observed by Legion Post 82
Mrs. Rebecca Higgins, President Unit 82, and Post 82 Commander Victor Darville placed a wreath at the base of the fl ag pole to honor victims of 9/11, at Monday's, Sept. 7, 2020, Remembrance Ceremony

On Monday, Sept. 7, at 9 a.m., Shelby's American Legion Post 82, Post Auxiliary, and Sons of American Legion Squadron 82 observed Patriot Day, remembering the thousands who lost their lives when terrorist-hijacked planes attacked the United States.

According to a media release, the event was in conjunction with a "Wreaths Across America" sale, to place Christmas Wreaths on the graves of veterans. Noted the release, "Patriot Day commemorates the attack by terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001 - attacks which destroyed the World Trade Center in New York, damaged the Pentagon, and crashed an aircraft in a field."

Special guests lined up for the event included Shelby Fire and Rescue Battalion #1; Shelby Fire Station #2; Township Three Volunteer Fire Department; Shelby City Police; the Cleveland County Sheriff's Office; Mr. Joseph J. Reale, Vice Commander of the 4th Division of the North Carolina American Legion, and his wife Toni; and the Chairperson of Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation of the North Carolina Department of the American Legion.

Quentin Cash, Commander of Shelby Fire and Rescue Battalion #1, led the striking of the firefighter's bell, explaining the significance of the ceremony - a series of five times repeated four times and the signal of final call for a fallen firefighter. Commander Cash is the son of Cherryville Fire Chief and City Manager Jeff Cash.

According to Commander Cash, "This tradition has been used since the mid 1880's when fire companies used a bell to signal an alarm."

Ringing the bell was William Weaver from Station 3.

Post 82 Commander Victor Darville welcomed everyone present, and Jack Weller, Commander of Sons of the American Legion Squadron 82, introduced guests, and the Color Guard of Post 82 posted the colors. Past State Commander Evan Thompson sang the "National Anthem", and Roger Cox, Chaplain of the Shelby Sons of the Legion Squadron, offered the invocation.

The ceremony's keynote address was given by Bob Cabaniss, a Marine Veteran of the Vietnam Conflict who later served in the Army National Guard and Air National Guard.

Mr. Cabaniss taught at Burns High School, and is active in the Marine Corps League. Chaplain Cox offered a prayer for men and women in uniform. Commander Darville and Mrs. Rebecca Higgins, President of the Post Ladies Auxiliary, placed a wreath at the post flagpole. Shelby firefighters struck a bell in commemoration of those who fell on 9/11, and Battalion I Commander Quentin Cash, explained the tradition to those gathered. The Honor Guard of Post 82 fired a salute volley, and Ned Cash, Past Commander of Post 82, played "Taps," and Evan Thompson sang, "God Bless America."

Afterwards, the colors were retired.

Also, it is to be noted that on that same day, the American Legion Auxiliary began selling Christmas wreaths for graves of veterans.

For more information, call (704) 466-3103, or go by the Shelby American Legion Post 82, located at 1628 S. Lafayette St., in Shelby.

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