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Alva Searcy Wilson

Alva Searcy Wilson passed into the hands of her Heavenly Father on Monday, October 17, 2016. Born February 16, 1918 in the Green Hill Community of Rutherford County, North Carolina, she was the daughter of Eddy and Amanda Searcy.

In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her husband C. Neil Wilson, an infant daughter, one daughter-in-law Sara W. Wilson, two sisters, and two brothers. She is survived by sons Bob, Ed (Sally), Neil (Michal), one sister Betty Lawing (Claude), one sister-in-law Rebecca Searcy, seven grandchildren, six great grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews.

Ms. Neil or Ms. Alva, as she was known to many in her church family, enjoyed working with several generations of young people at Elizabeth Baptist Church and cherished their visits in her last years. Much to her delight, many of those she taught brought their grandchildren with them to visit her.

Ms. Alva and her family were greatly blessed by the wonderful ladies that stayed with and cared for her in her later years.

The funeral will be at Elizabeth Baptist Church, 301 North Post Road, Shelby, North Carolina 28152 at 2:00 PM on Thursday, October 20, 2016 with Dr. Rit Varrial and Minister Mike McGee presiding. Scripture reading by the Rev. Deacon Robert Wilson of Saint Elizabeth the New Martyr Orthodox Church, West Columba, S. C. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Family visitation will be from 1:00 PM until 1:45 PM on Thursday, October 20, 2016 in the sanctuary of the church.

Please send any memorial to Hospice of Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Height Drive, Shelby, North Carolina 28150.

Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home and Crematory is serving the family of Mrs. Wilson.

Guest Registry is available at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com

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