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Bruce Camp's Local Fishing Report May 24th edition
Dawn Loggins is presented $750 from Arnold Ledford
The retirees from Kosa was on Lake Wylie last week, Tony Black and Ned Blanton edged out David O’Shields and J.R. Henry with 9.20 and 9.15 respectively. Third also was close with 9.10 and that was Ray Hembree and James Osborne. Black and Blanton had the big bass with a 2.90 largemouth. This week, the retirees head to Lake Hickory for the first time this year.
Thirty boats made the voyage last Thursday to Moss Lakes weekly bass tournament. JR Garland got the win with 8.82. Johnny Huffey and Tommy Chapman had 8.65 and took second. Scott Kiser and Tom Mayhew picked up third with 8.57. Randy and Randall Wright had 5.85 and landed in fourth while Alan McSwain and Larry Denton rounded out the top five with 5.81, they also had big bass of the night with a 4.52.
The Cleveland County Bass Club fished Lake Norman last week. Tom Mayhew picked up the win with 10.28. He also had the big bass of the day with a 2.64 largemouth. Ray Hembree had 9.34 and was second with Roger Beaver third with 8.68. Virgil Hamrick had 6.42 and was fourth and fifth went to Larry Melton with 6.10.
A note from CCBC Secretary, Tammy Melton brought to my attention that effective July 1, many if not all South Carolina lakes will change to an all 124 inch rule. Please check into this before heading out by going to the SC Wildlife website. Thanks Tammy.
Pictured: Dawn Loggins is presented $750 from Arnold Ledford, representing the Thursday night fishing tournament crowd. The recent benefit tournament raised $750 for Dawn as well as gifts from Dairy Queen, Jan’s Hairstyling, Lisa Jordan at Sharper Image and a huge match of monies raised by Chapman Machine Shop.
If anyone has any suggestions on stories or pictures of their catch or kill, you can e-mail me at brucecamp@carolina.rr.com. TITLE THE E-MAIL STORY OR PICTURE “FOR SHOPPER” OR I WILL ASSUME IT’S JUNK MAIL AND NOT OPEN IT.

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