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Cooperative Extension News...
End of Summer Family Fun Night       
Thursday, August 23 at 6 PM
 Join Cleveland County 4-H for a fun-filled evening of music, games, and refreshments to end the summer with a bang!

Cleveland County Extension Office Auditorium
130 South Post Road
Shelby, NC 28152

Open to the public - All ages welcome!

To support NC food banks and the statewide 4-H Hungry to Help service initiative... admission is 1 can or canned food or non-perishable food item per person.

For information and to RSVP, please call the Cleveland County Extension Center at 704-482-4365.
Foothills Farmers' Market is Thriving

Conceptual drawing by Patterson Design Group.
NC Cooperative Extension views a thriving farmers' market as the flagship of a successful local foods movement... an initiative to preserve family farms, foster the next generation of farmers, and to improve the health and economy of the region. 

We have been firmly behind Foothills Farmers' Market since its inception in 2008, and have seen tremendous growth this year.
 Much effort has been devoted to raising the funds to construct a permanent home for the market in Uptown Shelby.  Over the past 18 months, we have garnered commitments of more than $263,000 from federal grants, municipal governments, agricultural organizations, private foundations and fundraisers. This represents approximately 96% of the estimated construction cost.
Now in the design phase and expected to be completed in 2013, this facility will enhance market operations, support local food sales to institutional kitchens and CSA customers, and complement other economic development initiatives by providing a sheltered venue for entertainment, community gatherings, and civic events.    
Extension Master Gardener Program Coming Soon...
Want to become an expert on gardening and then be empowered to share your new knowledge and skills with others?  Then the Extension Master Gardener program is right for you.
The Extension Master Gardener program is an educational program designed to enhance public education in consumer horticulture. It provides educational assistance to the citizens of the county concerning lawns, fruits, vegetables, trees, and ornamentals through the utilization of a trained and supervised volunteer staff.  Participants in the program must complete the training program, pass an examination, and volunteer a minimum of 40 hours per year (20 hours in subsequent years) through the local Cooperative Extension Center.  Volunteer opportunities include answering garden-related calls from the public to the County Extension Center, speaking engagements and talking to students in schools. 
Cleveland County will offer its very first Extension Master Gardener Program beginning in September, under the direction of area consumer horticulture agent Julie Flowers. 
The course begins with botany then touches on flowers, vegetable gardening, landscape design, wildlife management, fruit trees and turf grass management.  Cost for the class is $105, which includes a three-ring binder filled with all the information learned in the class.    Those interested in  taking the class should fill out an online application or contact the County Extension Center at 704-482-4365 as soon as possible.  

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