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Crest High School Automotive Seniors Receive ASE Certifications
Eleven seniors enrolled in Automotive Advanced Studies completed a twelve week internship at local automotive businesses.  Students spent a two week rotation at NAPA, Keeter Ford, Monroe Tires, Shelby Transmission, Humphries Automotive, and Carter Chevrolet. 
Upon completion of the internships students tested and received a total of 30 ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) certfications.  The junior and senior automotive students were honored at a banquet hosted by the Crest NATEF committee which consists of the automotive businesses.  The two students that received the most certifications, Dakota Brown and Cody Bridges, were awarded cash prizes by the NATEF council.
Through the internship experience students learn the aspects of different automotive career areas and get hands-on experience.  ASE certifications are used in the automotive industry for employment.
Pictured from left to right: Chris Monroe (Monroe Tires), Cody Bridges (Crest senior), Dakota Martin (Crest senior), Chad Humphries (Humphries Automotive), Steve Sisk (NAPA), and Hal Hamrick (Shelby Transmission).    
     Provided by Penny Clontz/Career Development Coordinator, Crest High School

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