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Crosswords: A Public Relations Nightmare
Fair or not, others view of Jesus is based on their view of us; His followers. What we think, what we say, what we do, our stance on various issues, even our politics, is often attributed  to Jesus. We are after all his “ambassadors” which means we represent Him in all matters. And that leads me to this question. Just what does the world outside of the church see in Jesus?
Many see Jesus as a legalistic and strict. Just like the Pharisees of old, we in the church continue to add regulation upon regulation dictating how people are to live their lives. From what movies are acceptable, to dress codes, to tattoos, to body piercings, etc., nothing is off limits. Some of our church constitutions are more difficult to decipher than a Fortune 500 company’s tax returns. For some reason we still believe that we can somehow legislate morality. The more laws the better.  Jesus on the other hand was less concerned about matters of law and instead cared more about matters of the heart. He condensed all of the commandments and laws in the Bible to two. Love God and love men. The rest will take care of itself.
Some see Jesus as rigid and judgmental. It’s easy to understand why. There is not a Sunday that goes by without one of God’s representatives standing on a soap box behind the pulpit berating the “sinners” of the world. Homosexuals, alcohol consumers, drug users, all of Hollywood, and most Democrats are viewed as the enemy of the church and consequently of God. We put them on the other side of the fence while dismissing gossip, prejudice and gluttony within our own ranks. What’s sad is that an “enemy” would never feel comfortable visiting his adversary’s establishment. It is a stark contrast to the Jesus who befriended any and all, anytime and anywhere. His attitude towards others and his mission in His earthly life was summed up in John 3:17. “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
Thankfully the life of Christ is in stark contrast to the lives of many of his “followers.”  He didn’t just talk about forgiveness, he actually forgave. Even those who betrayed him and those who executed him. He cared nothing for money, it was simply a tool to help others. He didn’t celebrate the death of the wicked. He was pained by the fact that they didn’t come to him first. He never withheld himself to anyone. No matter how they smelled or looked or were clad. He was completely color blind. The kingdom he preached about did not include separate sections for whites and blacks.
Most outside of the church don’t know the real Jesus. Their view is obscured by what they see in us. Maybe we need to hire a better PR firm.

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