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Do you like to sing? Come grow with us!

All around the globe, Sweet Adelines International choruses are gearing up to "teach the world to sing."
Carolina Style Chorus invites you to its Open House on Thursday, January 26, 2017. Women of all ages and all walks of life who enjoy singing are cordially invited to attend.
Sweet Adelines International is a musical force in the United States and around the world. The organization is headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma where it was originally founded in 1945. This nonprofit music education organization is one of the world's largest singing organizations for women. The organization encompasses more than 25,000 members, 1,200 registered quartets, and 600 choruses in most of the fifty United States, Australia, Canada, England, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden, The Netherlands, and Wales.
Under the direction of Master Director Jean Danaher, Carolina Style Chorus members all share a love for music. We sing four-part a capella harmony in the barbershop style. The ability to read music is helpful but is not required.
Carolina Style Chorus represents Region 14 in the annual Heart of the Blue Ridge Regional Competition at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem, NC. The chorus achieved first place in 2010 and again in 2014 which earned them a trip to the International stage competition held in Denver, Colorado in 2011 and again in 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Master Director Jean Danaher has directed Carolina Style Chorus for more than 14 years and has succeeded in bringing the chorus from last place to first place. To prepare for competition, seasoned coaches from Sweet Adelines International share their expertise at special rehearsals to help the chorus tweak their competition package. Choreography is also entwined with the music.
Chorus members range in age from 20-75. Music genres include sacred, secular, rock, pop, gospel, and Broadway show tunes. We are a tight-knit group of women who love our craft and work hard at it while having fun. Members travel to rehearsal (often carpooling), from Arden, Asheville, Kannapolis, Shelby, Rutherfordton, Matthews, and various counties throughout the state. We are housewives, secretaries, insurance agents, nurses, and teachers to name a few occupations; however, whatever our career, we all share the common bond of our love for music.
In the fall of each year, Carolina Style Chorus hosts its largest fundraiser in the form of a "Festival of Tables" event. Members of the chorus, decorate tables with their personal china and crystal to a theme of their own choosing. A delicious catered meal is served at the sit-down event. Following the meal and judging of tables, guests are treated to a forty-five minute performance by the group.
The chorus performs regularly throughout various communities at civic events, charitable functions, church services, and at the Biltmore House Candelight tours.
If you like to sing, come join us as we sing together, grow together, and harmonize the world together through song. You'll be glad you did.
WHEN: Thursday, January 26th at 7:00pm
WHERE: Trinity Reformed United Church of Christ (fellowship hall - behind City Hall and Police Dept.) 217 Second Avenue, NE, Conover, North Carolina
For information contact Nirvana Lindquist, Membership Chair (828) 684-2238.
Submitted by Holly Arakelian

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