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Greenway plans 'Meet Me at the River' work day

If the idea of spending a day outside getting exercise while helping a local landmark sounds appealing, then mark Saturday, March 21, 2020, on your calendar. On that day the Broad River Greenway (BRG) will host its first-ever "Meet Me at the River" work day.

The recent rains and flooding forced the Greenway to close for two weeks recently, leaving behind branches and other rubble that need to be cleared away.

"This work day will involve loading trucks with debris left over from the flood, planting shrubs around the new picnic shelter, spreading mulch and installing water bars for erosion control," says BRG Director Kim Duren.

Volunteers of all ages and abilities are encouraged to participate.

"No matter what your skill or fitness level is, there will be a project for you or your group. In fact, this will be a great project for service hours," says Duren.

Duren says that while the Greenway has had work days in the past, they wanted to do something a little different in 2020.

"This year we wanted to build on the incredible community support we have enjoyed over the years by offering a t-shirt to the first 100 volunteers who sign up," says Duren.

She says the idea for this work day was brought back to the Greenway Council by a former board member who encountered a similar volunteer day while traveling.

"This person said that it was such a great image seeing all the folks working on trails and facilities while wearing the volunteer shirts that we decided we wanted to do something like this at the Broad River Greenway," says Duren.

Work will begin at 9 a.m. and will continue until approximately 3 p.m. with a break for lunch, which will be provided by the Greenway.

"We encourage volunteers to dress to get dirty, to be sure to wear closed-toe shoes and to bring work gloves if possible," says Duren. "Volunteers will break into groups led by Greenway board members to tackle a variety of projects. We hope that lots of area residents will join us for this first-ever 'Green Shirt Volunteer Day' at the Broad River Greenway and will enjoy celebrating the coming of spring while enjoying a day outdoors."

For more information about the "Meet Me at the River" event, visit the BRG website at www.BroadRiverGreenway.com or search for "Meet Me at the River" on Facebook. Those interested can also contact Ranger Reid Jolly at 704-434-0040 or email Duren at kduren@broadrivergreenway.

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