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Help create a great future for a child

Abraham Lincoln observed, ""The best way to predict your future is to create it." That is what the Boys & Girls Club is doing with our after school programs at Graham Elementary Unit, the Main Club, and the Mable Hamrick Whisnant Teen Center every day.
Support the Boys & Girls Clubs' Great Futures campaign. The campaign asks supporters to make investments in the future of a child.
A gift of fifty to several thousands of dollars will influence the future of a child at the Club. Your gift may help a child in the after school program get their homework done, learn about careers as part of a STEM project, learn life skills and make healthy life choices by working in the Club's vegetable garden.
In the summer at the Jack & Ruth Schweppe Summer Day Camps, children get to take field trips to learn about college opportunities, visit local industries to learn about local jobs, and participate in specialized workshops that develop Science Technology Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) skills. Kids have the chance to explore new things and to start to create their future.
Many of the kids at the Club are from single parent homes and are part of the free and reduced lunch program. They are not the economically privileged of the community. Yet over 61% of the kids at the Club are on the A-B Honor Roll at their school and 96% of the kids have a C average or better. Your tax deductible contribution makes it possible for the next generation of leaders and workers to have hands on experiences that change their lives.
Do you want to help? Visit the Boys and Girls Club of Cleveland County Facebook page to donate. You may call Josh Propst, executive director at 704-471-CLUB (2582) or stop by the Main Club at 412 West Sumter Street to learn more about creating a great future for kids.
Start a child on their Great Future at the Boys & Girls Club.
Submitted by William Weller

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