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LCC plans nonprofit volunteer fair
LCC at Ultra Armoring and Defense

If you have been wanting to get involved in the community by volunteering, there is a special event coming up that could help. The current class of Leadership Cleveland County (LCC) is sponsoring a nonprofit volunteer fair on Thursday, May 16, 2019. The event will be held at Uptown Indigo, 112 N. LaFayette St., Shelby from 5 -7 p.m. Admission is free, and food and drinks will be provided.
"We will have dozens of local nonprofits that need volunteer help or board members at this event," says Duncan Blount, president of this year's LCC and owner of Uptown Indigo. "We hope anyone interested will come and enjoy food and drink while they mix and mingle. We really hope that they will find a perfect match for their individual talents and interests."
Blount says that this year's LCC class came up with this event as a way to connect nonprofit organizations and their boards to volunteers who want to make a difference. They designated a nonprofit recruitment committee and invited numerous nonprofits to set up booths at Uptown Indigo.
"If this is a popular event, it may happen again!" says Blount.
The LCC was started by the Cleveland County Chamber in 1989. Designed to develop informed, involved and concerned leaders within the community, LCC gives participants the opportunity to study Cleveland County businesses and communities - its history, government, economy, human services and culture - and to recognize challenges, opportunities and resources.

"The program gives both experienced and developing leaders a broader view of civic leadership responsibilities and opportunities through direct contact with a wide spectrum of institutions and people who shape the community where we live and work," says Chamber President Bill Watson. "After graduation, the Leadership Cleveland County Alumni Association contacts will help provide participants with future connections in the community."
For more information about the volunteer fair, contact Blount at 704-689-8725 or by email at duncanblount@nabuscholar.com. For more information about LCC, search for "Leadership Cleveland County" on Facebook or visit the chamber website at www.clevelandchamber.org - click on the "News" button at the top, and then select "Leadership Cleveland County."

By April Hoyle-Shauf, Special to Community First Media

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