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Mark Your Calendar March 27th Hospice Biggest Fundraiser

The Fifth Annual Hospice Chicken Dinner & Dessert Sale will be held on Friday, March 27th at Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive in Shelby. The dinner will take place from 3 pm to 7 pm.
This will be the biggest fundraiser of the year for Hospice. Your support is not only needed but appreciated. It's the very popular Chicken Dinner. The chicken is prepared by Doug Fortenberry and a committee of volunteers, who donate their time and services every year. The dinner will include 1/2 chicken, slaw, pickles, baked beans, roll and homemade dessert for just $12 a "to go" plate. The benefit is drive-thru only and tickets should be purchased in advance.
In addition, the Chicken Dinner Committee has added a Dessert Sale around back under a big white tent this year. So bring extra cash and get a whole homemade dessert for now or for an upcoming holiday. Deserts freeze well. All the proceeds go to support Hospice Cleveland County.
This benefit is a great way for you to thank Hospice for all the good work they do. Tickets are available at the Hospice Administrative Office and Wendover Hospice House, both at 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Kings Mountain Hospice House, 321 Kings Mountain Boulevard, and The Hospice Store, 323 E. Marion Street in Shelby. This event could be a sell out so get your tickets now.
There's more good news! A limited number of pre-ordered dinners are available for free deliveries to businesses who order 10 or more beginning at 12 noon. For more information or to schedule 10 or more deliveries just call 704-751-3573.
Ticket locations: Che' Specialty & Gifts, Computer Connections, Fashion Corner, Hospice Administration Building, Kings Mountain Hospice House and The Hospice Store. Tickets will be available at these locations until Wednesday, March 25th.
If you, your family, or friends have experienced the compassionate care and support for patients by Hospice, you know what their programs offer and deserve your full support. Tickets can be purchased in advance and it's a good idea to do so. In addition, for local businesses, why not give your staff a great treat and at the same time show your support by being a sponsor or treating everyone to a great meal. There is no program in Cleveland County that deserves your full commitment more than Hospice.

- M.A. Andrews

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