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New Uptown Mural Location
Have you noticed a new mural in Uptown Shelby? Uptown Shelby Association has completed another mural location on the corner of Marion and Morgan Streets in Uptown Shelby. In conjunction with the property owners a new mural has been erected at another gateway point in to Uptown Shelby, the first being at the corner of Graham and Lafayette Streets.
The first mural displayed is Uptown Shelby’s own Thinking Thursdays, Think Uptown marketing promotion of Thursday night concerts, movies, and the entire Uptown experience of shopping and dining.
The mission of the Uptown Shelby Gateway Mural is to say ‘Welcome to Uptown Shelby’ as people enter into our historic district at Lafayette and Graham Streets and Marion and Morgan Streets. The Gateway murals are designed to showcase and raise awareness of Shelby nonprofit organizations, clubs and uptown events. The Gateway Mural is on private property but Uptown Shelby Association manages the schedule, if you have an idea for a mural contact Uptown Shelby Association.
For more information on Uptown Shelby events please visit our website www.uptownshelby.org, become a friend on our Facebook page and get up to date information on any and all events going on in uptown or simply call our office 704-484-3100.
Provided By Allison Gragg

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