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North Carolina ranks 8th in the nation for highest pedestrian deaths

According to a report released by the Governor's Highway Safety Association, pedestrian deaths nationally continue to rise at an alarming rate. In fact, 2015 projections indicated a dramatic 10 percent year-over-year increase in pedestrian deaths, while fatalities had increased 8.1 percent.
This is the largest jump in the past 40 years, when such records were first collected. In North Carolina, while pedestrian deaths were down 3 percent in the first half of last year, our state still ranked 8th highest in the nation for the number of pedestrian deaths.
What's causing this troubling national increase and what can we do as drivers and pedestrians in Cleveland County and across our state to keep safe on our roadways? One of the reasons cited for the increase is that Americans logged more miles on their cars last year, thanks in large part to a steep drop in the price of gasoline. Warmer weather across some regions last year also encouraged more people to get outside and walk.
Some safety experts point to a rise in the use of cell phones and multimedia messaging, which can result in distracted driving and distracted walking. Speed also plays a big role, but the biggest contributing factor to pedestrian deaths is alcohol consumption resulting in driver or pedestrian impairment.
North Carolina sheriffs and deputies are working to educate the public about how to stay safe on our roadways, including promoting greater awareness about what to do if you are a motorist who has become stranded on the side of a road. In addition, our state's Move Over Law is aimed at protecting first responders who are aiding motorists.
Below are a few tips to help promote safety:
• Refrain from drinking and driving.
• Refrain from walking or driving impaired, which includes the use of a cell phone or other multi-media device.
• Yield to pedestrians.
• Obey speed limits.
• Use crosswalks and wait for the walk sign.
The safety of our drivers and pedestrians in Cleveland County is important to me and every member of our sheriff's office. Please do your part to keep Cleveland County safe.
Contributed from The North Carolina Sheriff's Association

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