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Organizations team up to provide after-school program

In the middle of July, when most Cleveland County kids were vacationing or going for a swim, students at Graham Elementary School in Shelby were starting a new school year.
"We decided to implement a new year-round school schedule to help children retain what they learn and not have the 'summer brain drain' that many students experience from a 12-week summer break," says Nelsa Feaster, Graham Elementary principal.
With the new schedule, though, came new challenges. Because other schools in the area were still on a traditional calendar, there were no after-school programs for the Graham students to attend. Feaster contacted Boys & Girls Club Executive Director Josh Propst and Dover YMCA Executive Director Mark Prichett, and the three worked together to forge a plan.
Since all Graham students participate in the free breakfast and lunch program, the three knew that the cost of any after-school program would need to be kept low so that families could afford to participate. The organizers developed a plan for the children to stay after school each day and participate in a program administered by the Boys & Girls Club and the YMCA. The program costs parents $50 annually for each child. Payment plans have been developed for parents with multiple children to allow them to pay over time, and scholarships have been provided via the Boys & Girls Club to further assist any needy families.
"The actual cost to fund one child is actually close to $600 for the 36-week after-school program," says Propst. "Although we had not budgeted for this additional program, we see the need and want to serve these children. Our Board is working to fund the program. We do not want a child to not attend because of finances."
Propst explains that the Boys & Girls Club sees this additional after-school program as an opportunity to serve more children both at Graham and the Boys & Girls Club site on West Sumter Street. At the Graham site the goal is to have fifty students.
Each day in the program, the children start their after-school adventures with a snack in the cafeteria. They then move to classrooms to work on homework or to participate in activities to support what they are learning in school. Once homework is finished, the students may play games, work on computers or take part in other fun activities. Two days a week, a YMCA staff member coordinates physical activity programs for the children.
The Boys & Girls Club worked with Graham staff members to be the leaders of the after-school program. Lateefah Diop is the site director and coordinates the other teachers and teacher aides who operate the after-school program.
"We want to provide a meaningful after-school program for the children," says Diop.
"Our children benefit from having a safe, nurturing place to be after school," says Graham Principal Feaster. "This program reinforces things that the students have learned in class, yet they engage in activities that they think are fun."
Propst says that community members who would like to help with the new program can assist in two ways. "First, they can consider making a donation to the Boys & Girls Club after-school program at Graham Elementary. This will help the Boys & Girls Club cover the unbudgeted expenses."
To donate, community members can contact Propst at the Boys & Girls Club by calling 704-471-2582, or they can give funds online via PayPal or a credit card at www.bgcclevelandcounty.org.
"Another way people can help is by contacting Mrs. Feaster or the Graham Elementary School office and visiting and seeing what is happening in the after-school program," says Propst. "After their visit, they might consider volunteering for the program to help the kids."
"These children need role models, mentors, people who will be there for them over the long haul," says Feaster.
Those interested in volunteering can contact the Graham Elementary School office at 704-476-8386.

By April Hoyle-Shauf

Special to Shelby Shopper & Info

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