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Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ Dec.29th
Some of my hunting friends have put up the deer calls and embraced the duck calls. I know of several who deer hunt through November and then when December comes around, they spend their time in a blind. I really like that scenario but the ducks are really limited in my area.
 If you look at most maps, there are about 4 major treks that ducks take in our country in getting from their northern homes to the southern ones. These flyways are routes that have been used ever since these things have been mapped. As a result there are a few concentrated areas in the United States that are duck hunter destinations. And as you can imagine, they are running over with clients this time of the year as ducks of all sorts make their way to warmer water.
 The water temperature is not the primary reason for this movement from the north. It is the fact that when the water freezes they no longer have a place to live. So, they move a little farther south each time as the lakes and waterways freeze at their present location. The fowls that begin in Canada will move south to perhaps Minnesota and then when the lakes of Minnesota freezes, they move on to Iowa, Missouri, and etc. You get the idea.
With that in mind, can you imagine what might happen if just one area, or one particular climate does not play by the rules that year? Let’s say that the weather in Iowa may be so warm during December that the ducks decide to stay a little longer. Now what does that do to ole Joe who is waiting on them, with shotgun in hand, in Arkansas? Well, let’s just say that ole Joe ain’t happy. The fact is what happens somewhere else affects what goes on at other places.
 A greater and more important truth is….. what I do and how I live affects many, many lives – ones that I may never even know. The Bible is sparkling clear on this subject. It says, “For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.” That’s pretty clear. What I do affects more than just me. Not only is that clear, but it is also sobering. And I hope it is for you.
As we come into a new year, let this verse not only serve as a reminder, but also a challenge, and even a resolution; that you will not only watch what you do, but be proactive in setting the right example for all of those who are watching – even if you may never know they are.

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