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Outdoor Truths: Aiming Outdoorsmen Toward Christ Nov. 21st
I just spent the last several days traveling from Missouri to Kentucky trying to time my arrival at each place so that the deer season were either in prime rut or just before. Even though one can be pretty certain as to when these times come, the weather and other conditions also affect how productive these times actually are. For instance, a couple of years ago the rain had been so plentiful, the soybeans and corn were still not harvested when I arrived. This made hunting extremely difficult because there were so many places for the bucks to hide. Heat also makes a difference. It seems the warmer the weather, the less active the rut can be. All in all, much like the weather itself, it’s not a perfect science and definitely not a sure thing. There are, however, occasions when you are there when all the stars line up and that’s when it’s really fun. This year my timing was not only pretty good away from home, but I’ve found a way to be back at home just when things are getting good here. I guess one could say that right now hunters are simply trying to chase the rut; to be where it is happening. It’s not much different than my friends who fish for stripers. They know pretty much from day to day where these fish have moved to and the simply move to where the fish are. What a concept! – to move where the action is.
In Henry Blackaby’s best-selling book called Experiencing God; Knowing and Doing the Will of God, he gives some simple advice; find where God’s at work and join Him. In deer hunting terms we might say, “Find where the deer are rutting and hunt there.” In fishing terms we might say, “Find where the fish have moved and fish there.” Again, what a concept! Too many times in our spiritual life we spend too much time asking God what He wants us to do, where He wants us to go, where are we to invest our resources, and just why He isn’t doing something in our lives. What Blackaby tells us to do is look around and see what God is doing in other places and in other people and when we discover that, it is our invitation to be involved. Find where God’s at work and join Him.
Let me ask you. Do you think God is at work in our world? If you do, ask Him to show you where He wants you involved. Remember, when He reveals it to you, it will be His invitation to you to join Him where the action is. Make sure you’re ready.

Devotions from a Hunting, Fishing, and Sports Father to His Son
by Gary Miller

Gary Miller, writer of the Outdoor Truths column has a new book especially for Dads and their sons. This collection of devotions from father to son draws upon the rich experiences of men who hunt, fish, love the outdoors, and all kinds of sports. It illustrates spiritual lessons for growing into the kind of men who follow Christ with zeal and who love their families with devotion. Order it online at www.outdoortruths.org  or from a bookstore near you.

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