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Paying It Forward...
 Cleveland Child Develop-ment Center, located at 600 N. Morgan in Shelby, a local 5 star child care center focused last week on “Paying It Forward”. The children in the summer camp, ages 6-12, watched the movie “Pay It Forward” and then spent their week making the difference in the lives of those around them. The first random act of kindness was picking up trash around the neighborhood of N. Morgan Street. The children and teachers carried bags, wore gloves and helped to clean up their community. They then volunteered at the Greater Cleveland County Baptist Association helping in the clothing closet. Next, they made “care bags” that they presented to families of patients in the ICU at Cleveland Regional. Friday, they finished up their week by donating, cleaning and tagging toys for OPERATION RAGLIE a local non-profit that provides toys and blankets to children being treated in the ER of 5 hospitals. The students actually were able to present the items to Cleveland Regional Medical Center and Kings Mountain Hospital with the founder of Operation Raglie, Austin Phelps.
Dottie Leatherwood Vice President of Outreach, Cleveland Regional Medical Center and Venita Shank Assistant Director of Guests Pictured: Services for the hospital greeted and thanked the children of Cleveland Child Development Center for the “care bags”  they presented to family members of patients in the Intensive Care Unit. The hospital visit was part of the children’s “Pay It Forward” week.

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