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Rocky Shelton, Man On A Mission...
Construction of the greenhouses out back of the mission where vegetables, flowers and the fish will be raised.
Rocky Shelton’s father named him after the famous World Boxing Champion Rocky Marciano. Just as his namesake, Rocky has fought the big fight and is winning, only his fight is against drugs. Rocky robbed a drug store in Earl,  and was caught, convicted and sent to prison. He plea bargained and was given a ten year sentence, and served three years of the ten. While in jail in Gaffney waiting to be moved to Shelby for trial, his wife, Deborah, brought him a Bible and said: "You've tried everything else, Why don’t you try The Lord."  Rocky knew nothing about the Bible. He opened the Bible to Isaiah 53:7 and as he read The Holy Ghost said “He would have died for you if you were the only one on earth!” That night Rocky ask the Lord Jesus to save him and he has never been the same. For the first time in his life he started to read the Bible.
He began to read the Bible eight or more hours a day. Today he will tell you: "I got saved in jail!"
After serving time and going on probation, Rocky Shelton started a roofing business and did very well. He kept reading the Bible and felt he was called to do something else. He had become a member of Faith Baptist Church. His business was doing great, but he wasn't satisfied that he was doing what he was supposed to do. He wanted to help the needy, especially those on drugs. Faith Baptist had bought the old South Cleveland County School Building, but it was in desperate need of repair. The building sat on a little over 12 acres of land. One day, his pastor was preaching at a meeting for the Durham Rescue Mission. He ask Brother Rocky to go with him and sing for them, Rocky said yes,  but he wanted to stay on campus with the men. So, he did. He ate with them, slept with them and on Wednesday night as he was singing the Old Rugged Cross, it suddenly came to him. As he looked at the men’s faces he felt the Lord’s call. Rocky felt called to start a rescue mission and to help others who had lost their way.  He went to see J. Barry Goodman, pastor of Faith Baptist Church, about using the old South Cleveland school to begin a rescue mission.
Rocky had been out of prison for 12 years  and was very successful in business. When presented with the opportunity, Rocky Shelton gave up his business where he was making $200,000 in his last year! In 2001, he started Crossroads Rescue Mission with just two men, Dennis Blanton and Craig Pate. After 13 years, Dennis Blanton is off drugs and is now married. He and his wife often volunteer at the mission. Craig Pate, now deceased,  is given credit for naming Rocky Shelton, "Brother Rocky!" That's what he called him and it stuck!
Slowly and with determination, the Crossroads Rescue Mission has grown. Brother Rocky will tell
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 you that: "he knew God had called him to do this!" Today, the mission can house and accommodate 50 men. The mission begins by taking in applicants who must first be in a 90 day qualifying program. If they succeed and commit they then are elevated by joining The Crossroads Rescue Mission "Sons of God". That is the nine month program, when complete, can result in a drug free person, committed to the Bible -  the Word of God and become a positive member of the community. Everybody gets up at 5:45  in the morning and after breakfast, attends chapel at 7 a.m. All are assigned chores to do and all must contribute to Crossroads Rescue Mission. Lights out every day at 10 p.m. As for the downtrodden, falling apart old school facility. It is constantly being repaired and now is completely owned by Crossroads Rescue Mission.
The latest, newest and exciting addition is the building of the Aquaponics project. Green houses are being constructed on three and a half acres out back as well as a five foot deep and sixty food tank which will hold 20,000 gallons of water and where they will raise two kinds of fish, talipia and perch. They plan to produce a million pounds of food and also flowers as well as the fish which they will use to feed everyone at Crossroads Rescue Mission and wholesale to local businesses. It will also be used to feed the hungry and needy in the county. Brother Rocky feels most fortunate that the Shealy family, Greg, his wife Jerianne and their six children who came to the mission from Columbia, SC. They now live on the property as they build the new Aquaponics and green house project.
Brother Rocky does not take personal credit for the success of the mission. He feels that he is just doing God's work and He leads the way. He wants to increase the facility to be able to take in 100 lost souls. Twice a year he gives back to the community. At Thanksgiving, a free dinner with all the trimmings at the rescue mission is open to all as well as a delivery to anyone who calls and asks. At Christmas they have a big Toy Drive to help give toys for the children It's all about needy families. Toys are provided for 1,000’s of community residents and about 500 families are fed at Christmas. This year they are hoping to feed 1500! Both at Thanksgiving and Christmas, it's all about the taking care of the needy. Which, when you come to think about it, is a continuation and outreach of the Crossroads Rescue Mission! They take care of the needy men who have fallen by the wayside and now outreach to children and families too. Needless to say, this program is definitely God's work, for if it wasn't how would it have ever succeeded?
By MA Andrews

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