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The BIG TREE at Marion Intermediate School
Ms. Janet Tench and her fourth grade AIG Class at Marion Intermediate School.
Keep Shelby Beau-tiful recently concluded its second annual BIG TREE Contest announcing that the winning tree, a tulip poplar, measured 17 feet and 9 inches in circumference. However, there is special winner in the 2011 BIG TREE contest... the BIG TREE at Marion Intermediate School.
Janet Tench’s fourth grade AIG Class at Marion Intermediate School nominated the Water Oak tree that graces the front lawn of the school for the 2011 BIG TREE Contest. Although, this tree only measures 10 feet and 2 inches in circumference, it is a tree with a very special story that the class wanted to share.
According to Ms. Tench, “the tree was planted in January 1952 and dedicated to Ms. Laura Cornwell, the school principal of 25 years. Since that time many principals, teachers and students have passed that very tree. It reflects
the huge amount of learning that has come to that very place. Although the tree may not be the biggest in size, it sure has grown into a magnificent tree. Hopefully, all the years that students walked by this same tree, minds have continued to grow just like this tree. All the education from this one place would be a magnificent sight to behold.”

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